Mattermost is an open-source communication tool that facilitates collaboration by using chat, group messaging, file sharing and advanced searching capability. It is an excellent Slack alternative to connect between learners and instructors.
Mattermost is an open platform that can be used for secure private messaging for courses, teams, and learning communities. This tool is not housed on KPU servers, but with our collaborative partner at The Open EdTech Collaborative (OpenETC). All data is stored and secured according to FIPPA.
In higher ed, Mattermost is most commonly used as a team communication and collaboration technology similar to Slack or Microsoft Teams. It allows for team chat any time and on any device. It is an excellent sample of low-bandwidth and a high-immediacy tool.
Mattermost incorporates the following skills of a 21st century learner: collaborative learning, acquisition-based learning, practice-based learning, discussion-based learning, and critical digital pedagogy (Learning Technology Ecosystem).
Are you curious if Mattermost is the right technology for your teaching needs? Submit a request to the T&L / IT Service Portal to talk to a specialist.
How do I get started?
We would highly recommend consulting the Learning Technology team by submitting a request the Service Portal (link above) first. But if you are ready for the next step, follow these instructions to get a Mattermost account on the OpenETC.
There is limited support for this platform as it not fully integrated with the rest of KPU's main learning tools. However, you will find a list of resources we've curated here.