PebblePad is a learning journey platform that helps students collect evidence of their learning and reflect on their experiences to prepare them to articulate what they know and how they know it.
We are excited to announce this new ePortfolio tool, available from Fall 2020. We encourage the use of technology that supports effective pedagogy and PebblePad helps students to articulate what they know, how they know it, and to share evidence from their work across their programs of study. PebblePad is well-designed and easy-to-use as you will find from the student testimonials below.
The advanced features in PebblePad allow you to guide students to make sense of what they are learning. Check out this brief overview video from PebblePad to learn more.
Learn about how PebblePad fits into KPU's Academic Plan 2023 in the video below.
ePortfolios are among a set of high impact post-secondary practices promoted by the American Association of Colleges and Universities. They may be used for curricular, co-curricular, or experiential learning, for prior learning assessment, and as a means to create authentic and meaningful assessments of learning with and for students. Our recorded webinar ePortfolios Explained outlines this important practice.
Learn more about ePortfolio Matters @KPU here.
This site highlights ePortfolio initiatives happening at KPU, including course, program and Faculty-level innovations, special projects, professional development opportunities, resources and more. If you know of an initiative that is not captured here, please contact the Teaching and Learning Commons and let us know so we can share it with the KPU ePortfolio community.
How do I get started?
Create an account at https://app.pebblepad.ca/login/kpu. Login with Banner number and password.
As you begin to explore PebblePad and build your first portfolio, please note this is a phased implementation. We encourage you to use the creative suite of tools but please wait to share your creations with others until we provide guidance on how to best “share” within our installation. We are still setting up these elements and “sharing” prematurely can create future account creation issues. If you are planning to use PebblePad with others (Faculty/students) please log a request in the IT SERVICE PORTAL so we can assist you with your implementation.
A self-guided orientation to PebblePad
The video-led guided tour will explain the components that makes up PebblePad; an overview of the terminologies used in PebblePad; an overview of the feedback and reporting systems, and how to access additional resources provided by PebblePad.
A collection of resources and FAQ's we've put together to help guide your PebblePad journey.
Help for instructors
Interested in piloting but don't know where to start? Reach out and we'll get back to you.