Fall 2014 Timetable - Product Design (DEPD)

Please note: This web-based timetable may be phased out for the Spring 2015 semester. After that time 'Kwantlen Course Search \'CA-SEY 'SERCH\' will continue to be available as the primary search tool.  For comments or questions regarding this change please contact Scheduling@kpu.ca

  • Year 1 students must also register into ENGL 1100
  • Year 2 students must register into MRKT 1199
  • Year 3 students should consult the timetable for general education electives and register into one 3-credit elective.
Open Studio/Lab Schedule
Room 3060 1600-1850 M
Room 3090 1700-1850 M/W/R
Room 3010 1700-1950 T
Room 3090 0800-1150 F
  • Room 3420 - Design Resource Room - is open to Design Students all days during campus hours
  • Room 3060 - Design students open lab - Thursday 1530-2150

DEPD 1100 Design Methods and Materials (Cr: 3)

Corequisites: DEPD 1130
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
31489     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1300  1650  Richmond Main       3010      Chan, Kai-Cheong
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 1110 Visualization for Prod Design (Cr: 3)

Corequisites: DEPD 1100 and DEPD 1120 and DEPD 1130
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
31499     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1300  1650  Richmond Main       3010      Chan, Kai-Cheong
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 1120 Computer Fundamentals (Cr: 3)

Note: This course is similar to FMRK 1105. Students will not be able to earn credits for more than one of FMRK 1105 or DEPD 1120.
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
31490     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       0800  1150  Richmond Main       3060      Davies, Dale
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 1121 Construction Technologies (Cr: 3)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32534     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       1300  1650  Richmond Main       3010      Young, Heather
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 1230 Transformative Thinking for PD (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: DEPD 1130 and ENGL 1100 (or permission of the instructor)
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32535     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   0900  1250  Richmond Main       3010      Ashenhurst, Erin
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 2310 Exp1: Materials & Fasteners (Cr: 6)

Prerequisites: DEPD 1210 and 1220 and 1230, FIND 1150 and 1220 Corequisites: DEPD 2320
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
31624     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      0800  1150  Richmond Main       3010      TBA
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    0800  1250  Richmond Main       3010      TBA
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 2320 Material Technology (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: DEPD 1210 and 1220 and 1230 and FIND 1150 and 1220 Corequisites: DEPD 2310
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
31625     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       1200  1550  Richmond Main       3060      TBA
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 2430 Socio-Cult. Issues in Design (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: DEPD 1130 and 1210 and 1220 and 1230 and FIND 1150
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32796     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    0800  1150  Richmond Main       2170      Karaush, Iryna
Seats will open in this new section at 9:00 am 27-Jun-2014
2014-06-26: New section

DEPD 3510 Design 1: Leisure & SportsGear (Cr: 6)

Prerequisites: DEPD 2410 and 2420 and 2431 Corequisites: DEPD 3520
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32536     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     0800  1350  Richmond Main       3010      Phillips, Stephan
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     1500  1750  Richmond Main       3090      Phillips, Stephan
Section reserved for DEPD program students.
2014-07-22: Evening class times changed

DEPD 3520 Production Technology-Sourcing (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: DEPD 2410 and 2420 and 2430 and 2431 and MRKT 1199 Corequisites: DEPD 3510
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32537     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    M      0800  1150  Richmond Main       3010      Martinez, V.
Section reserved for DEPD program students.

DEPD 3530 Semiotics for Product Design (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 and MRKT 1199
CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32538     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   T       0800  1150  Richmond Main       3060      Karaush, I.
Section reserved for DEPD program students.