Fall 2014 Timetable - Brewing & Brewery Operations (HOPS)

Please note: This web-based timetable may be phased out for the Spring 2015 semester. After that time 'Kwantlen Course Search \'CA-SEY 'SERCH\' will continue to be available as the primary search tool.  For comments or questions regarding this change please contact Scheduling@kpu.ca


Students in this program must also take CMNS 1140 L12 And CBSY 1105 L40



HOPS 1100 Introduction to Brewing (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32736     L10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1400  1650  Langley, West       1370      Bernard, Dominic
                    Final exam       18/Dec - 18/Dec      R    1130  1430   -                   -        Bernard, Dominic


HOPS 1110 Sensory Eval & Ingredients (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32737     L10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    0900  0950  Langley, West       1370      Egi, Alek
                    Final exam       19/Dec - 19/Dec       F   0800  1100   -                   -        Egi, Alek
Section Link ID: 1D. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: 2D.
32738     L01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    1000  1120  Langley, West       1370      TBA
Section Link ID: 2D. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 1D.
32739     L02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    1130  1250  Langley, West       1370      TBA
Section Link ID: 2D. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 1D.


HOPS 1212 Brewing Chemistry (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: Chemistry 12 (C+) or CHEM 1105




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32761     L10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      0900  1050  Langley, East       2575      Bernard, Dominic
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     1000  1150  Langley, East       2575      Bernard, Dominic
                    Final exam       17/Dec - 17/Dec     W     0800  1100  Langley, East       2575      Bernard, Dominic
Section Link ID: N1. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: N2.
2014-09-11: Meeting times and room changed
32823     L01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1200  1450  Langley, West       1345      Bernard, Dominic
Section Link ID: N2. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: N1.
2014-09-11: Meeting times changed
32824     L02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     1300  1550  Langley, West       1345      Bernard, Dominic
Section Link ID: N2. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: N1.
2014-07-15: Room changed