
Links on this page cover topics such as university-level writing, advising, research, and many other aspects of student success in the English Department and beyond. For information about session dates, deadlines, fees and registration, please visit the University Calendar.

Adjusting to University 

KPU100 provides an interactive, supported learning experience for starting off your university career on the right track.  You will have the opportunity to engage with faculty and other students in real-time sessions, and will complete interactive learning activities at your own pace each day.  Along the way, you will receive supportive feedback and guidance as you work through short assignments that build up your knowledge, skills, and confidence as an online learner.  This non-credit series of modules is offered completely free to KPU students.

library group


General Supports for Student Wellness
The KPU website provides students with access to a wealth of information and resources spanning across the dimensions of emotional, financial, mental, physical, social and spiritual wellness. For information regarding the full range of KPU departments that provide student support and services, please visit KPU’s Current Students website at:
Financial Hardship
Any student who is experiencing an unexpected financial hardship may apply for an Emergency Bursary, which is a limited amount of financial assistance that does not need to be repaid and that is provided on the basis of assessed financial need. To learn more, visit: International students may also be eligible for limited financial assistance from the KPU International Emergency Fund. Please contact for an application form and further details.
The KPU Student Awards and Financial Assistance offers many opportunities for scholarships and bursaries. You can also apply for awards specific to the English Department
Government Programs
The Government of British Columbia offers information for mental health supports and details about how to access emergency financial assistance.
International Students
Visit the KPU International page for plenty of information and advice for International students including information about the KPU International Emergency Fund. This page also has a very helpful guide about food insecurity that lists all of the local foodbanks and their hours and information (open to all residents). International students can take part in virtual International Student Orientation.
Mental Health & Wellness
KPU’s Counselling Services offers confidential services to students on a wide range of issues, including grief, stress management, anxiety, relationships and family. To make an appointment visit: Another program available to you is the KPU collaboration with keep.meSAFE. This program provides a 24/7 Mental Health Student Support through the MySSP app. All KPU students have 24/7 access to multilingual counsellors who can provide immediate support and referral to address a range of concerns. Download the app or call 1.844.451.9700. 
The Government of British Columbia has launched Here2Talk, a mental health counselling and referral service for postsecondary students. The 24/7 service provides students who are dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, and relationship issues with confidential, free, single-session service by app, phone, or online chat. 
Food Insecurity
Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day can access the Kwantlen Student Association’s Student Food Bank service. This service allows you to confidentially order a food hamper online. They can also handle emergency food requests. To learn more, visit: Students are also encouraged to contact Student Awards and Financial Aid at or by visiting their website at
If students are experiencing health conditions, learning disabilities, or mental health issues that are impacting their learning, KPU’s Accessibility Services will work with students confidentially to develop a personalized plan to ensure their access to the university and to support success in achieving their academic goals. To learn more, visit:
KPU's response to COVID-19
For information about Kwantlen's response to COVID-19, including lists of resources and information, please visit the KPU Information and Response page

Learning Online

The KPU Learning Centre has created this page to help students navigate online learning. It gives advice about using Moodle, submitting assignments, posting in forums, collaborating with classmates, using BBB, creating video assignments, getting support from tutors, and getting support on a writing assignment.

Technology Resources

Since many students are electing to take classes that are delivered online, students may have questions about the technological resources and help that they will need to navigate online coursework. You're required to have a tablet or computer and access to stable Internet to complete courses and access KPU services. While a smartphone can be used in combination with these devices, it will not meet the requirement on its own. If you can't meet these requirements, you should not be enrolled in online or hybrid courses.

  • All students have access to Office 365, which includes Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. Students can download these programs for free (mobile versions included).
  • Since KPU uses Moodle as our Learning Management System, all students will need to use Moodle. Students can learn all the basics about Moodle on the Moodle 101 page.
  • For general help, students can visit the IT Resources for Students page.
  • The IT Department has also increased WiFi accessibility in outdoor areas as well, like some of the campus parking lots, so students can remain in their cars, or have increased space for physical distancing outdoors, while online.
  • Students can use computers in the library during the library's open hours

Academic Integrity

Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

KPU has a number of supports to help students learn about, understand, and enact academic integrity in their university course work. The KPU Academic Integrity web site is designed to support all members of the university community in upholding these values by sharing information about KPU’s approach to academic integrity, strategies to uphold academic integrity, and other helpful resources. On the web site, you will find videos, helpful tips, and information about KPU's Academic Integrity Ambassadors.  
The University policy on Academic Integrity (ST2) is a required part of all official course presentation (syllabus) materials, and it is an important policy to understand. An important way to help avoid academic dishonesty and plagiarism is to understand the ins and outs of citation styles as explained by this handy library website. The KPU Library also offers a guide to help you identify and understand academic dishonesty as well as an online workshop where you can earn a digital badge to show you’ve learned what you need to know about using sources in an academic setting.

English Department Statement on Academic Integrity

Unless explicitly allowed by your instructor, you should not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as Grammarly, ChatGPT, Quillbot, and similar AI software. These kinds of platforms engender a lack of critical thinking, impacting the ability of students to meet course and program learning outcomes, as well as criteria indicated by the writing-intensive (WI) designation. Please note that these platforms may endanger your data privacy. 

If your instructor allows for the use of an AI tool for an assignment, you must carefully follow their instructions and properly cite the tool’s use (see Citing AI). Be aware that using an AI tool without your instructor’s explicit permission may count as multiple breaches of academic integrity. If you have any questions about AI tools, or you currently own or are thinking about owning an AI tool, connect with your instructor. 

Writing Resources

First-Year English Writing Labs

While you are taking First-Year English, you are eligible--and more than welcome--to get free extra help from our expert instructors. Whether you need to craft more effective sentence structures, or to put together a critical essay, the First-Year English Writing Labs offered by English Department faculty can guide you through the process. Look for lab information in your ENGL1100 and 1200-level classes, find a lab time that suits your schedule, and register using Moodle to ensure your seat! Lab sessions take place as fully online synchronous (or "live") interactive sessions. Online sign up starts the first week of the semester.

Virtual Writing Centre
Need clarification on some of the trickier points of grammar?  Searching for tips to improve your next writing assignment?  No problem!  Log in using your student number and password (or just click on "guest access") to visit our Virtual Writing Centre and find an array of resources, including step-by-step grammar information and self-guided grammar exercises with answer keys to help you practice. You will also find guides on many different aspects of writing that you will encounter at university, including writing about literature, formatting and citations (MLA), essay structure, writing in the disciplines, analyzing texts, and editing. No matter what program or course you are taking, from English to Psychology to Business, you'll find information to help you improve your written assignments.

Learning Centre English Tutors
For one-on-one help, make an online appoint at KPU’s Learning Centres. You can a make an online appointment with one of the English Department faculty tutors or peer tutors. They won’t write your essay for you, and they can’t edit work that you’ll be subsequently submitting for grades, but they can help you understand the feedback you receive in your English courses and suggest strategies to improve your performance. The Learning Centres offer a host of workshops, handouts and online resources.

Online Tutoring
KPU’s Learning Centres also offer Online Tutoring. Just log in, submit your draft assignments through their online platform, and expect feedback from trained online tutors. Online tutoring is also available through the KPU Learning Centre’s connection to the WriteAway program. WriteAway offers KPU students free online tutoring through a network of BC post-secondary institutions.

Resources for Scholarly Speaking (PASS)

PASS (the Precedents Archive for Scholarly Speaking) offers a host of helpful information and samples for oral presentations/ scholarly speaking. It is "a site [that] has been created to help students gain confidence and competence in academic speaking situations. At the heart of the site are speaking precedents—video recordings of student presentations—that you can watch to become familiar with what it looks like to speak in university settings. You will also find guides that focus on the specific moves scholars make when they speak, and resources specifically for instructors."

As the site creators explain, "Different speaking situations invite different forms or styles of speaking. How do we speak to each other as scholars? How do students new to university learn to speak confidently and successfully here? One of the best ways to learn about the conventions and practices of scholarly speaking is by seeing how others have done it before you. This site is designed to offer easy access to what scholarly speaking—by students, to students—looks like."

KPU Library Resources
We are fortunate to have not only an impressive collection of research materials available through our KPU Library system, but also--and maybe the most important--a friendly, helpful, and well-informed staff ready to help with your research questions. The KPU Library website is your portal to research. It also offers comprehensive subject guides, including a guide for English that includes information on subjects as diverse as academic honesty, finding and evaluating resources, and academic writing. 

Students and faculty can also learn about the KPU Library's new acquisitions of books that relate to English literature and criticism.

General Resources


Your English course requirements are just part of a bigger picture that you need to understand in order to ensure you’re putting together an academic program that works for you. Academic Advisors are available to give you guidance and direction, including program guidelines and transfer specifications, as you plot your journey. The academic advising office offers group workshops as well as individual appointments with advisors on all four campuses. You can make an appointment using Advisor Connect.

Arts Advising
If you are an Arts student, it’s a great idea to be in touch with an Arts Advisor, who can tell you what you need to know about the Arts program you wish to pursue. Arts Advising offers drop in hours and appointments on the Surrey and Richmond campuses. You can make an appointment using Advisor Connect

Early Alert
During the semester, if an instructor is concerned about your progress, he or she may use the Early Alert Response System (EARS) to connect you with student services who will work with you confidentially to find additional resources or supports, such as academic advising, tutoring, financial aid, or counselling.

Questions about the English Department
For other questions about the English Program, feel free to look around our website to discover information about our first-year courses, our Major and Minor programs, and list of exciting electives that will fit with your interests. If you have specific questions about our Major and Minor Programs, our first year courses or prerequisite waivers, please contact us at

External Resources: Writing

Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Purdue University)
One of the most used writing resources on the web, The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.”

Hypergrammar (University of Ottawa)
HyperGrammar is an online grammar textbook which gives a thorough review of the parts of speech and the standard rules of syntax, spelling, word choice, paragraphing and organization. Review tests with explanations are also available.”

The Wordiness, Wordiness, Wordiness List (UVic)
G. Kim Blank's Wordiness List at the University of Victoria offers tips (and a giant list) to help you fight wordiness and make your writing clearer and more concise. 

Chomp Chomp
For "grammar with attitude," try your hand at Chomp Chomp's array of online exercises.  

Guide to Grammar and Writing (Capitol Community College)

Full of great tutorials, this website provides everything from the basic parts of speech all the way to writing the Argumentative essay and using proper MLA format. This site also contains excellent powerpoints focused on grammar.

*For more writing help, our Virtual Writing Centre page links to a host of other external writing sites.