Be a Tutor | The Learning Centres

Benefits of Becoming a Tutor

  • One of the best ways to learn something well is to explain it to someone else. You'll find gaps in your own understanding that you didn't know were there, and you'll find ways to fill them in. You'll see topics from someone else's point of view, and thus come to understand more aspects of the subject.
  • You'll probably have a mentor to help you out in your first few years in your career; later on, you'll need to be a mentor to others. Being a tutoring will help you become a better mentor.
  • You might find that you enjoy teaching, and so a whole new career possibility will open up.
  • You might think that you want to be a teacher. Try it out here. Our faculty advisors can help you learn useful approaches to teaching.
  • You'll get paid.
  • It looks good on your resume - 'My goodness! Someone thought this person knew the subject well enough to tutor others in it! We'd better hire him/her!'
  • You'll meet good folks - other tutors, students who are smart enough to know they could use some help, and of course the Learning Centre staff.

What does a Tutor do?

  • Tutors help other students with their course work.
  • Tutors don't do homework for other students; they help the other students figure out how to do it.
  • Tutors don't teach a course; they help other students figure out parts of the course that they haven't quite understood yet; they show other students how to study for a particular subject.

How to Become a Tutor

  • Come by one of the Learning Centres and let us know you are interested in tutoring.
  • Find out whether we need tutors in the subjects you'd be qualified to tutor.
  • Discuss the idea with us.
  • If possible, also discuss the idea with one of your instructors in each subject you'd like to tutor.
  • Ask for an hiring application from one of us, and fill it out and return it. A current resume as well as a letter of reference from an instructor in the subject you'd like to tutor is required before we can hire you to tutor in that subject.

Contact us at any one of Kwantlen's Learning Centres:

  • Langley campus - Room 2070
  • Richmond campus - in the Library, Room 1100
  • Surrey campus - Main floor of the Library in the Arbutus Building, Atrium A1650