Learning to Learn Online for BSN-AE Students

Learning to Learn Online helps you prepare for online learning success by introducing you to the online learning environment and your role as a learner within it. As you come to understand yourself as a self-directed learner, you will also be introduced to effective learning strategies: time management for online learners, information management, professional communication, and reading strategies. Welcome to your online learning journey!

Learning to Learn Online for BSN-AE Students

Learning to Learn Online helps you prepare for online learning success by introducing you to the online learning environment and your role as a learner within it. You will define your role as an online learner by developing a mindset for independent learning, prepare for your role as a team member in an online environment, and relate to online instructors in a way that supports your learning and growth. You will also be introduced to effective learning strategies such as managing your time effectively and reading while taking your notes strategically. Welcome to your online learning journey!

Workshop Location and Date
Attending for Bonus Marks