Background: Kwantlen's Essential Skills Policy and related Information


In 1995, Kwantlen's Education Council mandated that all College degree programs shall take "an integrated approach to education, in which students develop both program-specific and employability skills as well as social and other capabilities required to maximize their human potential". Kwantlen's course outlines were revised to show how Essential Skills (then still called 'Employability Skills') were used in each course.

In 2006, Kwantlen's Education Council adopted Policy L.9, to implement the following two Principles:

  1. Each program must ensure students have opportunities to learn and demonstrate Essential Skills at a level appropriate for that program.
  2. Every student who receives a degree, diploma, certificate, or citation from a Kwantlen Polytechnic University program will have been given opportunities to learn and demonstrate Essential Skills at a level appropriate for that program.

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