Faculty Global Opportunities

KPU is part of a vibrant and diverse international network that engages, supports, and encourages faculty to explore global learning opportunities. On these pages, faculty will find the information and resources to help you take your scholarship abroad.


What are Faculty Global Opportunities?

Faculty Global Opportunities is a term that encompasses a variety of international opportunities available to KPU faculty. These opportunities enrich faculty scholarship through learning, teaching, and research collaboration with partners abroad. You could lead a field school of passionate students on an incredible journey abroad, collaborate with expert faculty from another university on cutting-edge research in your field, teach for a semester in Asia, Europe, Latin America…the possibilities for global opportunities are nearly limitless!

The Office of Global Engagement at KPU International helps KPU faculty access these opportunities by forming partnerships with other teaching institutions abroad, arranging funding opportunities for faculty, and developing resources to support faculty success both abroad and at home.

Popular Faculty Exchange Opportunities

Faculty Mobility

Field Schools

Partnership Opportunities

Partner Opportunities

Build your own experience

Build Your Own Experience

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)




Academics Without Borders