
What Funding Is Available?

There are numerous faculty mobility programs that guarantee partial or full funding. These opportunities may be funded by KPU, our partners or government grants.

Additionally, as field schools are designed to be financially self-supporting, there is no financial cost to faculty to run a field school.

For other faculty mobility opportunities that don’t already guarantee funds, we encourage faculty to look into a variety of available funding sources. In the past, faculty have had success in securing funding from:

  • 0.6% Faculty PD Fund
  • Their department
  • The institution at which they’d like to teach or conduct research Mobility for Internationalization Fund (MIF)


What Is the Mobility for Internationalization Fund (MIF)?

The MIF is a funding opportunity for KPU instructors. This fund exists to support KPU instructors who wish to lead international initiatives that align with the internationalization of higher education, such as, for example, exchanging best practices with KPU’s existing or new partners, promoting mobility among KPU students, strengthening and/or creating new relationships with international partners etc.

This funding opportunity is made possible through the generous support of International Insurance and KPU International.

Who Is Eligible to Apply for the MIF?

Applicants must be REGULAR (full-time or part-time) or NON-REGULAR TYPE 2 (full-time or part-time) KPU faculty employees. Please refer to regular KPU faculty employee definitions as outlined in the faculty collective agreement. See Article 1, Section 1.05 (Definitions).

What Can I Do with the MIF?

There are many activities you can engage in with the MIF. 

Some examples of eligible activities are:

  • Participation in international conferences that have a direct international educational focus. Note: Preference will be given to the applicants presenting at conferences highlighting KPU’s internationalization;
  • Exchange of academic materials with international universities and organizations;
  • Shared and/or mutually agreed upon teaching of students and experiential learning programs for students (e.g. developing a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) course, guest lecturing, field schools, work integrated learning, etc.);
  • Collaborative academic programs; 
  • Development and delivery of joint seminars, and academic meetings that have an immediate international educational focus.

This list of examples is not exhaustive; we encourage faculty to apply for any projects/initiatives that serve to internationalize scholarship.

What Funding Is Available?

Applicants are eligible for funding of up to C$4,000 to support their projects. 

Funding must be used to pay for eligible travel expenses that correspond to and comply with KPU’s Business and Travel Expense Policy/Procedures.

What is the Application Deadline?

The application deadline for this year is July 25, 2024, at 5 p.m. PST. 

How to Apply?

Submit the following documents to by the application deadline: 


Where to Find More Information? 

Details regarding the purpose of this fund and its priorities, eligible and ineligible project activities and expenses, pre and post-trip requirements and other important information can be found in the Mobility for Internationalization Fund (MIF) Applicant Guidelines.  

Any Questions? Contact us!

All questions regarding the MIF can be directed to the Global Development and Partnerships Team at We’re here to support you, so don’t hesitate to reach out! 

KPU's Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Fund

What Is the KPU’s Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Fund? 

The KPU Global SDGs Fund offers KPU instructors the opportunity to receive up to C$7,000 in funding to participate in international experiences that enrich KPU's global presence. Engaging in international contexts enables faculty members to share and acquire best practices, promote student mobility, forge and reinforce partnerships with international institutions, and spearhead substantial international projects that align with higher education's globalization objectives. This initiative aligns with the Academic Plan and Vision 2026, contributing significantly to KPU's strategic goals. This comprehensive approach aims to empower faculty members to embark on impactful international experiences and bolster KPU's global outreach.

This funding opportunity is made possible through the generous support of the KPU International office.

Who Is Eligible to Apply for the KPU Global SDGs Fund?

Applicants must be REGULAR (Full-time or Part-time) or NON-REGULAR TYPE 2 (Full-time or Part-time) KPU faculty employees. Please refer to regular KPU faculty employee definitions as outlined in the faculty collective agreement. See Article 1, Section 1.05 (Definitions).

What Can I Do with the funds from the KPU Global SDGs Fund?

Proposed projects can include various project activities that support the purpose of this fund; however, all proposed projects must clearly demonstrate the alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Here are some activity ideas organized around different SDGs:

SDG 1: No Poverty

  • Volunteer abroad with organizations focused on poverty alleviation.
  • Participate in community development projects in impoverished regions.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

  • Assist in healthcare clinics and medical outreach programs in underserved areas.
  • Promote public health awareness through workshops and educational campaigns.

SDG 4: Quality Education

  • Teach or facilitate workshops in universities in developing countries.
  • Support educational technology initiatives for remote and underserved communities.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

  • Work with organizations or universities supporting women's empowerment and gender equality.
  • Engage in workshops, seminars or conferences on gender-based violence and discrimination.

SDG 13: Climate Action

  • Engage in workshops, seminars or conferences to raise awareness about climate change and its impacts.
  • Support educational initiatives to promote sustainable practices.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

  • Collaborate with NGOs, international organizations and universities to build cross-cultural partnerships and networks for sustainable development.
  • Facilitate workshops and conferences on global cooperation and the SDGs.
  • Support KPU in creating impactful service-learning programs that empower communities and foster student growth and civic engagement

*The examples shown above are for reference only; other projects or initiatives can be presented as part of the application

What Funding Is Available?

Applicants are eligible for funding of up to C$7,000 to support their projects. 

If two or more faculty members collaborate on a joint application, they may submit a single proposal with a maximum budget of up to C$14,000 per application.

Funding must be used to pay for eligible travel expenses that correspond to and comply with KPU’s Business and Travel Expense Policy/Procedures.

What is the Application Deadline in 2024?

The application deadline for this year is July 25, 2024, at 5 p.m. PST. 

How to Apply?

Submit the following documents to by the application deadline: 


Where to Find More Information? 

Details regarding the purpose of this fund and its priorities, eligible and ineligible project activities and expenses, pre and post-trip requirements and other important information can be found in the KPU’s Global SDGs Fund Applicant Guidelines. 

Any Questions? Contact us!

All questions regarding the KPU’s Global SDGs Fund can be directed to the Global Development and Partnerships Team at We’re here to support you, so don’t hesitate to reach out! 


Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Initiative Fund

What Is the COIL Initiative Fund?

The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Initiative Fund was created by KPU International in 2022 to support internationalization at home efforts by way of COIL. Faculty taking on a first-time COIL project are eligible to receive a training fund and a one-time project grant.  

Training funding and COIL Grant aim to motivate KPU faculty to participate in COIL, a perfect tool to internationalize the curriculum and a great opportunity for professional development.  

Who Is Eligible for the COIL Initiative Fund? 

Applicants must be a regular KPU faculty employees, either full-time or part-time. Please refer to regular KPU faculty employee definitions as outlined in the faculty collective agreement. See Article 1, Section 1.05 (Definitions).

What does the fund entail? 

Training Fund 

Once the KPU faculty has been matched with an international teaching partner, KPU international will register and pay for COIL training for the KPU instructor. 

Participating faculty are recommended to attend the COIL training hosted by SUNY COIL Center, which has been working to promote and professionalize the practice of COIL and Virtual Exchange for more than 15 years.  

COIL Design Workshop: The mostly asynchronous, 3 week training will walk KPU faculty and faculty’s teaching partner through each part of the development process. Topics will include COIL pedagogy and flow, developing common and course-specific goals, setting expectations for partners and students, logistical aspects, designing your COIL activities, assessment, and troubleshooting. 

***If you have already taken training previously, or are taking partner-funded training, you will not be eligible for this fund.  

Project Grant 

Participated KPU faculty will be granted $500 for their contribution in the development and delivery of a COIL course.  

***Please note it is a one-time grant. Faculties participating in multiple COIL projects will only be eligible to receive the grant once.  


  • Successful completion of training 

  • Successful delivery of COIL project 

  • Share experience with community and future COIL participants (complete 1 presentation and/or testimonial) 

  • Complete post-COIL survey 

What is the Application Deadline?

Faculty members who apply to teach COIL courses through KPU International will be automatically assessed for the COIL Initiative Fund.  

COIL Expression of Interest Deadlines  

The Application Process

  1. Submit a proposal for a COIL project

  2. Meet with Global Partnerships for an initial consultation 

  3. Match with an international partner 

  4. Submit a COIL Project Confirmation Form

  5. Complete a training

  6. Deliver a COIL Course 

  7. Complete a post-COIL survey

  8. A cheque will be issued to you.  

ELAP Faculty Mobility Program

EduCanada Global Affairs Canada

What Is the ELAP Faculty Mobility Program?

For more information please refer to the Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building page.

Full details regarding this opportunity can be found on the ELAP Faculty Mobility Program page.