Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

SQA and KPU Partnership

In 2021, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) and Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) signed an articulation agreement to allow eligible SQA graduates to transfer parts of their degrees to KPU programs.  

After successfully completing an SQA Advanced Diploma in their home country, qualified students who meet the KPU admission requirements will proceed to KPU for further studies.  Currently, KPU accepts SQA students who have completed the following five programs:    

  • - SQA Advanced Diploma in Business (Fixed Framework) 
  • - SQA Advanced Diploma in Business and Accounting 
  • - SQA Advanced Diploma in Business and Human Recourses Management 
  • - SQA Advanced Diploma in Business and Marketing
  • - SQA Advanced Diploma in Computing

SQA graduates may enter the Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Technology programs with 36-51 credits transferred to KPU. They may also enter into other eligible Bachelor programs, subject to admission requirements.  

Student Pathway

The SQA and KPU partnership not only enables advanced entry into undergraduate degree programs but also maximizes the flexibilities of program choices for students.

Important note: the below transfer pathways are valid between October 22, 2021, and October 22, 2026. Program requirements at KPU and SQA are subjected to change under periodic program reviews, which will affect the pathway. Please refer to the International Admissions Office for the most up-to-date information. 

Possible Pathways

Admission Requirement

Students applying for admission to KPU are required to submit an application for admission form and applicable application fee. Students are subject to all KPU admission requirements. If you are an SQA student with questions, please contact the International Admission office.  


SQA graduates admitted to a KPU program are subjected to standard fees as outlined in Kwantlen Polytechnic University policy and Calendar.

English Proficiency Requirements for Admission

English is the primary language of study at KPU; therefore, all applicants must be able to demonstrate the appropriate level of English language proficiency for their graduate, undergraduate, vocational or preparatory area of study. For test options and more info, please click here.

About SQA

Established in 1997, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is the executive non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government responsible for accrediting educational awards. They are a not-for-profit Government-sponsored agency accountable to the Scottish Government.  

The SQA and its qualifications and services are recognized throughout the UK and internationally. SQA's qualifications are taken in over 1,800 centers and by 360,000 students each year. SQA provides a coherent framework of qualifications based on industry and society's needs that offer progression pathways for learners.   

For more info about SQA and KPU Partnership, please contact